Michael Grothaus 20/03/2018 - 2:15pm

It just might save your life.

When we think about iPhones being able to save our lives, we usually only consider that the device allows us, like any other phone, to call emergency services, but from no matter where we are. But Apple has grander plans for the iPhone as potential life-saver. In iOS 11 it has a built-in feature called Medical ID.

Medical ID is a digital version of the health cards that some people with medical conditions carry around. Should they ever become unconscious from an accident, a first responder could look in their wallet or purse to see if they had a medical card, and what conditions they had. This information could greatly help the first responder provider the most relevant medical treatment–and maybe even make it easier to save their life.

What Is iOS’s Medical ID?

Apple’s Medical ID is the digital version of these old paper cards. It lives inside the Health app in iOS 11, but anyone is able to access it from the iPhone’s lock screen just by tapping a button. This means that if you are, for example, in a car accident and become unconscious, the emergency support staff that arrives would be able to still get relevant medical information about you by reaching into your pocket and checking your iPhone to see if you had your Medical ID card enabled.

What Information Does Medical ID Contain?

Medical ID can contain as much or as little information as you want it to. That information includes your name and date of birth, any medical conditions you have and medical notes you wish to type, as well as medications you take, allergies and reactions you have, your weight and height, blood type, and organ donor status.

It also contains a section for emergency contacts. You can enter as many emergency contacts as you like. Their contact information entered here will enable a first responder to contact them from your iPhone even if it is locked.

Setting Up Medical ID

Setting up Medical ID in iOS 11 is pretty simple:

  1. Open the Health app on your iPhone.
  2. Tap the Medical ID tab at the bottom of the Health app screen.
  3. Tap the edit button in the top-right corner of the Health app.
  4. Google the switch to ON (green) under the Show When Locked setting. This will allow Medical ID to be accessed from your iPhone’s lock screen.
  5. Enter your name and date of birth, and then begin entering any relevant medical information in the fields provided. 
  6. Under Emergency Contacts tap the green plus button that says “add emergency contact” and then enter the contact’s name and relationship to you. You can enter as many emergency contacts as you want.
  7. Tap Done. Your Medical ID is now set up.

Accessing Medical ID On A Locked iPhone 8 Or Earlier

If you come across someone who is unconscious you can access their Medical ID (if they’ve set one up) by doing the following:

  1. Press the iPhone’s Home button to access the lock/passcode screen.
  2. Tap the Emergency button in the lower left hand corner.
  3. Tap the red Medical ID button in the lower left hand corner of the Emergency keypad screen. You’ll be taken to the Medical ID screen.

Accessing Medical ID On A Locked iPhone X

  1. Accessing the Medical ID on an iPhone X is a bit different.
  2. With the iPhone X press and hold the Side button and the volume up button at the same time.
  3. Now swipe right across the Medical ID slider. You’ll be taken to the Medical ID screen.