Paul Briden 22/08/2017 - 2:27pm

The voice component of Samsung Bixby is finally being unlocked globally...but there's a catch

There's been much faffing when it comes to Samsung's Bixby AI assistant; ahead of its launch aboard the Galaxy S8 series there was a lot of talk about it being an incredibly advanced bit of software, as it incoproated technologies from Samsung's acquisition of VivLabs. What happened on launch, however, was that most of the world got a severely hamstrung version of Bixby with most of the core "wow factor" features missing, chiefly the "Bixby Voice" component which allows you to issue voice commands.

Samsung's home nation of South Korea got the full-blown package, and a subsequent (rather recent, actually) update pushed to the US market saw the US English version arriving after a VERY long time. Now Samsung has initiated a global rollout, but before you get too excited, Samsung is NOT rolling out a diverse portfolio of different languages specific to every region. Nope, you're not getting Spanish, Japanese, UK English, German, French, or any of the hundreds of other languages spoken across the globe.

Bixby will be available everywhere, but it will only be set up for US English and Korean. Samsung says that Bixby will "continuously improve its ability to interpret regional dialects," which almost sounds as if they're hoping it'll fly as-is in the UK, Australia, Canada, and other places where English is a common language such as South Africa. Perhaps the intelligent interpretation will do Samsung's job for them of figuring out the differences between US English and UK English and the various accents in other English-speaking regions? We're not going to hold our breath on that.

Samsung  is reportedly working on other languages, but our guess is that will include the aforementioned Spanish, French, and German to start with, amongst many others. Bixby is also going to be bundled aboard the Galaxy Note 8, which is launching August 23 but will hit the market in mid-September.