Richard Goodwin 02/06/2017 - 11:21am

Got a Samsung Galaxy S-brand handset or a Galaxy Note device? Want boosted audio? Samsung’s got an app for that…

Samsung has just released its SoundAssistant app for Galaxy handsets. The app is designed to improve the overall sound performance on your phone.

SoundAssistant gives you more control over the sounds you phone plays; you can tune things to your liking and improve things like bass response for when you’re listening to music.

The app also features a floating equaliser for additional fine-tuning to sound. I like to mess around with equalisers to get the best possible sound from my speakers, so having this feature on my phone is rather interesting.

You can also set up SoundAssistant so that individual apps have different sound profiles, including volume. For instance: you can assign full volume to the Bluetooth receiver in your car, so when you get in the volume is always set to max-output.

Beyond this, you can program things around days, dates and times – this aspect is called Scenarios. Basically, it means you can set things to vibrate or silence during certain time periods, like when you’re at work or in bed.

To be honest, this app looks pretty darn interesting. Samsung’s software is usually TERRIBLE, but SoundAssistant actually looks rather useful – it is definitely something I would use.

SoundAssistant is now available inside the Google Play Store, so you won’t even have to sign up for a Samsung Apps account to get it! Bonus!